Welcome to the Deschutes Pioneers' Association

Keeping the history of Deschutes County, Oregon alive since 1947

The object of the Deschutes Pioneers’ Association, Inc. shall be to renew and maintain old acquaintances; to gather and preserve pioneer relics, stories and such other materials as related to pioneer days and to record for future reference historical facts of the Deschutes region.

Welcome to this year’s Deschutes Pioneer Queen Fern Ewell. She was introduced at the annual Dinner.

Interesting in Joining? Click Here
Contact us: membership@deschutespioneers.org
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeschutesPIoneersAssociation

Deschutes Pioneer Association Scholarship Program

The Deschutes Pioneers’ Association has awarded ten $1,000 Scholarships since its inception in 2008. To date, donated funds, as well as Pioneers’ funds have assisted ten high school seniors with their college education.

We are inviting you to assist us by donating to our Scholarship program that will help us continue this important program of assistance, for our youth, in their entry year of higher education.

Donations to our Scholarship Fund are tax deductible from your Federal Income Tax under Tax Code 501(c) (3)

For information about applying for this scholarship, Click Here

Attention Members!
Dues are going up as of January 1st, 2014!

The price of a one-year membership to the Deschutes Pioneers’ Associate will be $7.50 as of the first of the year.

Bumper Stickers

You can now get a Deschutes Pioneer Association bumper sticker for your vehicle. They are $2 a piece, or 3 for $5. Contact any board member for more information.